Foundation Scholarships

There are multiple scholarships available for students enrolled at Bemidji State. Each have different sets of qualifications. Bemidji State also offers scholarships for which you are considered automatically when you are admitted. It’s that easy.

Apply for Foundation Scholarships.

Women’s Scholarships

There are three scholarships available exclusively to our female students.

Myrtie Hunt Alumni Award (2 scholarships) — $2,300

Criteria: Physical education or sport management major and be able to demonstrate leadership, creative or competitive talents and involvement in BSU activities. Have a current GPA of 2.25 or higher, 60 or more credits completed and 2 or more semesters need to complete degree.

Elsie Annis Honor Award — $1,400

Criteria: Physical education or sport management major and be able to demonstrate leadership, involvement in BSU activities and other activities contributing to professional growth. Have a current GPA of 2.5 or higher, 60 or more credits total, at least 45 credits earned at BSU and 1 or more semesters need to complete degree.

Hazel Leland PE Scholarship — $400

Criteria: Physical education major and be physically active, and promote physical activity through department, K-12 and community involvement. Have a current GPA of 2.5 or higher, sophomore status – minimum of 30 or more credits earned and 2 or more semesters need to complete degree

Men’s and Women’s Scholarships

There are seven scholarships available to all human performance, sport & health majors.

Otto Erickson Memorial Fund — $200

Criteria: Any HPSH major and be able to demonstrate financial need. Have a current GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Marion Christianson and Betsy McDowell Scholarship — $1,500

Criteria: Physical education major and be able to demonstrate involvement in a variety of departmental and university-wide activities. Have a current GPA of 3.0 or higher and 60 or more credits.

Beulah Gregoire Scholarship — $500

Criteria: Physical education major and be able to exhibit professional leadership qualities, creative talents and/or campus contributions. Have a current GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Sam & Peggy Johnson PE Scholarship (8 scholarships) — $1,525

Criteria: Physical education major and have clear educational and professional goals, as well as be involved in departmental activities. Sophomore status – minimum or 30 or more credits earned.

Muriel B. Gilman Exercise Science Scholarship — $1,500

Criteria: Exercise science major and be able to demonstrate professional and/or scholarly activities. Have a current GPA of 2.9 or higher, 80 or more credits completed and senior status at the time of application.

Jeff “Bird” McBride Academic Scholarship (awarded in even-numbered years) — $1,000

Criteria: Sport management major. Have a 3.0 cumulative GPA and display financial need.

Willie Stittsworth Scholarship — $500

Criteria: Physical education major with a DAPE minor and be able to demonstrate evidence of active participation in the DAPE field outside of the classroom. Have a current GPA of 2.75 or higher, 60 or more credits completed and at least 3 credits in DAPE minor courses completed.

How to Apply for Department Scholarships

Deadline: Spring 2023

Submit the following to Dr. Jim White (Email:

  • A letter of application that indicates the scholarships for which you are applying, your student ID number, your current GPA, the number of credits earned and your anticipated date of graduation.
  • Your professional philosophy.
  • Your resume, including educational background, professional activities and experiences, professional memberships, creative and competitive activities, community service and activities in college.